Prep Up Your T-Shirts

While oversized t-shirts and norts are an easy and foolproof go-to (especially in college), pairing your tee with a pair of tailored chino shorts can bring your look from "I woke up like this" to preppy and cute. This t-shirt from Southern Grace Company has remained one of my favorites, even in the mix of all of my Comfort Colors sorority tees, because of its beautiful blue color. I loved putting it with a pair of light pink shorts that match the pink detailing on the shirt. 

Last night I went out to see Keanu at the movie theater with Todd, who knew my inner crazy cat lady would just love it, and he was right! The little kitten in the movie was absolutely adorable! I couldn't hold back my "aww"s every time it was on the screen. While the overall plot of the movie was pretty odd, it kept me entertained the entire time; I would recommend it if you're a kitten fanatic like myself! Oh, I even got to play with two kittens for quite awhile yesterday morning too! One even fell asleep in my lap for a bit; I don't think I've been that content in a long time. Only eight more days till I'm reunited with my kitties!

Photos by Parrish Tenley

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